

Monetary Benefit

Advisory & Placement Services


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Data Protection

Protection of informational self-determination

Your personal data deserves special protection. For this reason, compliance with data protection regulations is very important to the job centre.

Jobcenter processes personal data in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the First, Second, Third and Tenth Books of the German Social Code (SGB I, SGB II, SGB III and SGB X) and the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

Personal data that is required and processed for the fulfilment of tasks in accordance with the Social Code is called social data. This includes, for example, information on income/assets, professional background or education/training. Social data is subject to social confidentiality, which protects against disclosure to unauthorised parties. Social secrecy concretises the fundamental right to informational self-determination for the area of public social service providers.
Further information can be found here.

Furthermore, Jobcenter processes personal data in the context of fine proceedings and in cases of suspected benefit fraud, possibly in connection with other criminal offences.
Further information can be found here.

Translated with (free version)

Which rights are you entitled to?

  • Information on data processing when collecting your data (data protection declarations) / General information in accordance with 55 BDSG
  • Information about your own data and/or access to files within the framework of the statutory provisions
  • Correction of incorrect or incomplete data
  • Deletion of incorrectly stored or no longer required data, etc.
  • Restriction of data processing, e.g. if the accuracy of data needs to be checked
  • Appeal to or consultation with the data protection officer (bDSB)
  • Complaint to the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI)

What should I do if I think that my personal data protection rights haven’t been respected?

If you think your data protection rights as per data protection regulations have been breached by the Jobcenter, you can seek advice from the company Data Protection Officer. He is familiar with the processes relevant to data protection in place at the Jobcenter and will be happy to assist you with your concerns and questions. The Data Protection Officer is legally bound to secrecy. This pertains to both your identity and all other circumstances that may be used to identify you.

You can contact the company Data Protection Officer at:


M. Staudt – Data Protection Officer

Raboisen 28

20095 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 60098 253

Email: (please note: emails are not encrypted and therefore are not secure).

You can use the form below to report a data protection breach in writing.

You can use the form ‘Report a data protection breach’ below to report a data protection breach in writing.

Jobcenter employees may need to be included in the process to internally establish and clarify the facts. If this is necessary, the Data Protection Officer will need to be released from his obligation to secrecy as per Section 6(5)(2) of the Federal Data Protection Act [Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, BDSG]. A corresponding form is available under Downloads.

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